What is Lead Nurturing?

Lead nurturing goes by many different names: drip email, marketing automation, conversational marketing, etc. Regardless of what you call it, this strategy can be a powerful lever to help you move. Quickly more leads through your sales funnel and scale your marketing efforts.

Lead generation has increasingly moved away from being a transactional activity or generating individual events for your commercials to starting and maintaining a relationship that leads the buyer to the best option (that is, you).

The definition of nurturing (or aging – as with wine) is continuous monitoring and communication. However, it often ignores that your relationship with potential customers will not become a reciprocal relationship until they see the value you bring to them and visualize the benefits. Often, potential buyers educate themselves, interact with users of your products or services, and compare solutions before even accepting your calls. That said, sending generic content and “intrusive” phone calls to move them toward a purchase generally does it away rather than bring them closer.

So what is the secret to a practical approach?

  • Persistence
  • Value
  • Personal interaction, and
  • Synchronization

1. Persistence

Lead nurturing

Persistence is essential in today’s environment, where we are all overloaded. Don’t quit after just one follow-up. We often hear salespeople express discouragement because leads don’t return calls or emails, but the underlying problem is that people are busy. It takes 3-5 or + attempts to reach a prospect interested in whitepapers or other inbound marketing activity. Waiting for them to call you back will only cool your interest and leave room for someone else to grab your attention. Developing. The other aspect of this is that companies are passive when contacting suppliers, even with a clear need and requirement. Just because you are not calling back does not mean that there is not a chance.

2. Value

Create value with your communication, and don’t over-report. Sending content-heavy communications runs the risk of losing your potential customers. The first time they read something they do not understand, they will distance themselves from you, and that is a complex problem to remedy when you do not know what happened. Salespeople often wonder why their leads have gone silent. It is one of the reasons: too much data without really knowing what they needed to hear. You’ll want your leads to say “tell me more” and not “please stop talking.”

3. Personal interaction

Personal and peer-to-peer exchange is different from salesperson-led dynamics. Peer-level communication is open to discussion and fluid in a way that allows for open discussion. A parenting program should deliberate to break down barriers with your potential clients, inform them, and build a personal relationship with them. The human aspect of this is essential because it is the richest form of communication available to you. Interacting with your prospects at a Peer level will reinforce and advance the opportunity. So do something to connect with potential customers in a peer-to-peer way.

4. Synchronization

Lastly, time is very critical in follow-up. We see organizations tracking good leads months after the 1st conversion, long after the Lead has forgotten the initial exchange, and are already selecting other providers. If you discover an opportunity and know what your buying cycle is, stay ahead of it. Please don’t wait until they are about to close a purchase to get involved. Well-planned communication will keep you informed of what is going on. Gone are the days of sales 1.0, when sales teams follow a lead, find out that the opportunity hasn’t closed in 6 months, and then discover that the potential customer closed a purchase with a competitor months ago. The tools are already available to organize the timing and qualify the prospect (lead scoring) as they progress through their conversion funnel to call them when they are ready to make a decision. Opportunities are not lost when you have visibility on them.


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