
Ehallpass, School remembers when a teacher would give students a woodblock as a Hall Pass. What if that wood block remained replaced with your students’ mobile device? What would that look like to present a Hall Pass before we dig into e Hall Pass? Let’s grab that ancient technology, the wood block. For a moment student requests to lead the classroom teacher grants permission for the student to lead the classroom to enhance the wood block as a HallPass leaving no paper trail of where he is going.

When he left, how long he’s been gone frequently, and whether he arrived at the destination safely, resulting in a potential security risk. Now let’s replace the wood block with a Hall Pass student who submits a leave request using the e Hall Pass web app on their mobile device teacher reviews the request and then approves it. Once approved, the student’s name, destination details, time of departure, the reason for withdrawal, and length of time gone are all recorded in the cloud.

EHall Pass a Security Booster

Ehallpass, If the students eat, all pass is to visit the library office or another teacher. You will receive an arrival notification that the student has made it safely to the destination. It instantly creates a Hall Pass, a security booster. With this simple application, you’ll know building-wide which students are in the hallways during a period.

You can also track a student’s essential and non-essential hall use by monitoring their hall past trends. A Hall Pass is the solution for all past situations, including options like queue management for the nurse’s office and track which students are using the library in a given period. The possibilities are endless. A Hall Pass has endless possibilities compatible with all platforms, including PC, Mac, iOS, and Android

Ehallpass  with Social Distancing

Students find it hard to have as much freedom as their peers and remain within guidelines. You can choose to restrict certain students from different locations in your school members-only locations, similar to restrictive access members-only locations gives you the power to allow only a handful of students access to a defined area with total building limits.

Ehallpass  with Social Distancing

With absolute building limits, you do not have to spend your day monitoring the number of students out of class. You can set a total building limit in a Hall Pass will prevent your hallways from becoming overcrowded. Once that pass limit remains reached, any additional pass creators will notice that the hall traffic limit remains reached, and – please try again a little later for student pass limits. You can set the number of keys for each student or group. You decide if that limit repeats daily, weekly, monthly, or not.

The Student can see the Limit on their Device

Ehallpass,When a past limit remains set, the student can see that limit on their device, helping your students to become better stewards of their time outside of class AV polarity AP polarity is for those students who cannot stay away from one another you can enter the name of two students. A Hall Pass will prevent them from being in the hallway at the same time if one student is currently out on a pass. When the second part of that pair tries to make a pass, they will receive a message and be unable to complete their pass request.

You can customize the wording of the statement your students will receive now that social distancing outside the classroom remains managed. Here’s how a Hall Pass can help with other germ-related concerns on teachers’ dashboards. In addition to being aware of what is happening in their classroom or office, all adults can see building Whitehall traffic anytime they wish on their device students do not need to carry germ-filled passes throughout your building. No adult needs to touch paper passes or objects to confirm that students are where they should be. Auto passes are contactless passes.

The History of Every Classroom Left

Teachers can give verbal permission instead of feeling the student’s device students can then fill out the pass and start it themselves. V Hall Pass will still collect the history of every classroom left, where the students went, and how long they were gone. Best yet, no paper passes devices or objects need to go back and forth to that germ-filled bathroom proxy pass.

Another contactless pass option, the proxy pass, allows teachers to create keys for students from their device if a student’s device is out of battery left in a previous classroom or even. Where it’s left at home, the teacher can create and activate a pass for a student from their device. Again, there is no need for shared contact between students and teachers.

These are not all of the features of the pass, but they are a few that we feel will help you in your efforts to keep your school community. We offer a pilot of our software because we believe that once you use a Hall Pass, you will not want to be without it. So, do not hesitate to interact us to set up a live demo so we can show you more about what a Hall Pass has to offer.


The online digital hall pass management tool for schools. Enhance control, security, and oversight through electronic hall passes. E-hall pass is a browser-based online system used to manage all pass situations. Shall pass replaces antiquated methods of administering hall passes. The system enhances school security and helps to simplify classroom management.