
Call-to-Action – A Call-to-Action, as well abbreviated to CTA, is a call to action. Here the call-to-action used to move the customer directly to a purchase or another activity. It is then used for many different purposes, but it is essential in marketing.

Detailed Explanation

A call-to-action has been a division of the marketing magazine for a long time because advertisers recognized that they would be more successful if they take their customers by the hand. The basis for this is as simple as evident: Most people don’t pay full attention to advertising. If the advertising text ends abruptly, the potential customer does not know exactly what to do now. Of course, this is not since he lacks the necessary intelligence. Instead, the reason is a lack of attention and interest. With no CTA, the customer would have to look at the offer again, i.e., invest time and effort – and many are not ready for that. It is especially true for users on the Internet because the attention span there is often deficient.

The call-to-action thus helps guide the visitor through the website until he finally ends up with the desired action – regardless of whether he came to the page from a social media page. A search engine, or directly. For this to work, there are various options for the design of the CTA, and certain formal things should also take into account in the structure of the CTA.

How should a Call-to-Action be Structured?

How should a call-to-action be structured?

Before it comes to the design and structure of a good CTA, one thing first: There is no one perfect call to action. The call-to-action should always be customized to the website and the potential customers, and even for a specific page, the call-to-action can work equally well in different variants. Therefore, the following tips are to be seen as a guide to make it easier to create a suitable call-to-action for your website. A CTA is roughly divided into four areas. These are:

  • Introduction
  • Call to action
  • Enough
  • Confidence-building measure

The introduction stands directly above the actual call to action and remains intended to lead the user to the desired action. In addition, the opening should ideally create trust and show the guest that he has landed on the right page. Depending on the tender, sentences such as “This service is free for you!” Or “Don’t miss this unique offer!” Are conceivable.

The actual call to action remains frequently linked to a button visitors should click to take advantage of the offer. This button has to, of course, label and briefly explain what happens when the potential customer clicks on it. A simple “Order now!” Or “Register now!” Is, therefore, often sufficient. The button also omits and remains replaced by a link that becomes part of the call to action in more complex offers. It is essential here that the step linked to the request is immediately apparent – the customer must therefore be able to recognize instantly that he is placing an order when he clicks on the button.

Accordingly, less is often here because the call-to-action remains clear, and the user confuses by a massive flood of information. It is especially true if the CTA appears on a landing page because t Instead, it must be possible to see at a glance what the offer is about on a landing page so that the visitor can decide directly for or against it.

The end should convince users who are still a little undecided.

Therefore, it is a good plan to build trust here, for example, with sentences such as “You can return the efficient goods to us free of charge within 14 days” or “We will not pass on your facts to third parties under any situation.” This way, the client knows that he is taking practically no risk and is more willing to accept the offer.

The confidence-building measure takes a similar line. It is not a straight harbor of the CTA but regularly placed to the side of it. Test seals such as those from TUV Sud or Trusted Shops are particularly popular here. Test seals suggest that the userland on a reputable website does not risk remaining cheated or otherwise misled. If these four elements remain well-coordinated, this usually leads to noticeably higher conversion.

What is the purpose of a call-to-action?

And with “Conversion,” the next topic is on the agenda: Why do you need a call-to-action? In principle, it’s straightforward. On the one hand, if you take customers by the hand and lead them through the offer, they feel well looked following. On the other hand, they do not deal lengthily with the service or product and therefore tend to opt for it rather than against it. A call-to-action can consequently increase the conversion rate.

Incidentally, a CTA does not always have to serve to move the customer to a deal. It is an easy link  SEO measure. SEO makes it easier for visitors to find the page and the call to action. In conjunction with other design elements on the page ensures the conversion. A call-to-action can also generate leads, which only become customers in a second step.

Where is a call-to-action used?

Regardless of whether the CTA is to generate leads or customers. The positioning of the call to action has a decisive influence on whether it works or not. Especially on a landing page, on which the only question is whether the company can convince the customer of its services or not. It plays a significant role where the CTA appears.

The call-to-action is – in any case on a landing page – the heart of the page and should therefore be the most noticeable. Ideally, it should come into view “above the fold,” i.e., be visible on the page without scrolling. In addition, it must overlay by advertising, other content, or conspicuous design elements. In principle, it is also likely to place several CTAs on the page – after all. You never know which argument will convince the customer. If it is a unique point, the customer may jump off if no call for action is nearby.