When your marketing is tailored to your audience, you are more likely to retain your customers, improve their experience, and increase their engagement, among other advantages. Diverse demographics make this more challenging, but fortunately, artificial intelligence makes personalisation easier these days.
If you’re thinking of getting digital marketing agency in Inner West, you’ll find that most marketers consider AI as an essential tool to create the best strategies and solutions for your needs. They have a good reason behind this, as we will explain below.
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Why the shift towards personalisation?
Generic spiels still work but not when you want to maximise your budget or efforts. If you want to boost your conversion rates and drive customer engagement, you need to tailor your strategy according to your preferred audience. Some examples of personalised marketing methods include dynamic adverts, targeted email campaigns, and product recommendations.
How does AI fit into the picture?
Collecting and analysing data
Artificial intelligence is capable of gathering and processing a large amount of information from different touchpoints, such as purchase history, social media interactions, and website visits. From this data, it is able to determine typical behaviour, preferences, and other insights, which can then help you form a roadmap to achieving your objectives.
Segmenting customers
While traditional methods have been effective in customer profiling over the years, AI can take you to the next level by using more refined criteria when dividing your market into sub-groups. The algorithms enable you to hyper-target your message towards distinct segments that are more profitable or with higher potential.
Predicting future behaviours
What makes AI so powerful is that it’s able to predict future outcomes based on previous interactions and other data. Through machine learning, models are trained to identify relationships and patterns. This basically means that you can personalise your offers or content ahead of time, according to what people usually buy or book together when visiting your website or while scrolling through your app.
What are things you need to consider?
Concerns about data privacy
You will need to collect data to train the AI models, and that requires consent from your customers in order to respect their privacy and protect their personal information. If most do not agree to you gathering these, the datasets you have may not provide an accurate picture of your market.
Integration with existing tools
Most likely, you have traditional marketing tools or a legacy system in place, and these may have been in the business for years. It’s hard to let go of software that you’re used to, so it’s better to incorporate the old with the new, but it can make AI implementation and future-proofing more challenging.
Keeping of authenticity
When you rely too much on automation, you may find that your content starts to sound more robotic. People eventually realise that you don’t actually care about them or their specific needs but are just using artificial intelligence to do the work. That can be a huge hit towards your business reputation.
If you want to attain a successful marketing strategy that fully utilises the power of AI, it’s smarter to leave it in the hands of experts. We at DNM Digital are determined to provide real results for your online efforts in attracting and retaining customers. Contact us today for a FREE audit and see how we can help you across your preferred platforms.